import {inject, injectable} from 'inversify'; import sequelize from 'sequelize'; import {FileCache} from '../models/index.js'; import {TYPES} from '../types.js'; import Config from './config.js'; import {promises as fs, createWriteStream} from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; @injectable() export default class FileCacheProvider { private readonly config: Config; constructor(@inject(TYPES.Config) config: Config) { this.config = config; } /** * Returns path to cached file if it exists, otherwise throws an error. * Updates the `accessedAt` property of the cached file. * @param hash lookup key */ async getPathFor(hash: string): Promise { const model = await FileCache.findByPk(hash); if (!model) { throw new Error('File is not cached'); } const resolvedPath = path.join(this.config.CACHE_DIR, hash); try { await fs.access(resolvedPath); } catch (_: unknown) { await FileCache.destroy({where: {hash}}); throw new Error('File is not cached'); } await model.update({accessedAt: new Date()}); return resolvedPath; } /** * Returns a write stream for the given hash key. * The stream handles saving a new file and will * update the database after the stream is finished. * @param hash lookup key */ createWriteStream(hash: string) { const tmpPath = path.join(this.config.CACHE_DIR, 'tmp', hash); const finalPath = path.join(this.config.CACHE_DIR, hash); const stream = createWriteStream(tmpPath); stream.on('finish', async () => { // Only move if size is non-zero (may have errored out) const stats = await fs.stat(tmpPath); if (stats.size !== 0) { await fs.rename(tmpPath, finalPath); } await FileCache.create({hash, bytes: stats.size, accessedAt: new Date()}); await this.evictOldestIfNecessary(); }); return stream; } /** * Deletes orphaned cache files and evicts files if * necessary. Should be run on program startup so files * will be evicted if the cache limit has changed. */ async cleanup() { await this.removeOrphans(); await this.evictOldestIfNecessary(); } private async evictOldestIfNecessary() { const [{dataValues: {totalSizeBytes}}] = await FileCache.findAll({ attributes: [ [sequelize.fn('sum', sequelize.col('bytes')), 'totalSizeBytes'], ], }) as unknown as [{dataValues: {totalSizeBytes: number}}]; if (totalSizeBytes > this.config.CACHE_LIMIT_IN_BYTES) { const oldest = await FileCache.findOne({ order: [ ['accessedAt', 'ASC'], ], }); if (oldest) { await oldest.destroy(); await fs.unlink(path.join(this.config.CACHE_DIR, oldest.hash)); } // Continue to evict until we're under the limit await this.evictOldestIfNecessary(); } } private async removeOrphans() { // TODO } }