import {URL} from 'url'; import {inject, injectable} from 'inversify'; import {toSeconds, parse} from 'iso8601-duration'; import got from 'got'; import spotifyURI from 'spotify-uri'; import Spotify from 'spotify-web-api-node'; import YouTube, {YoutubePlaylistItem} from 'youtube.ts'; import pLimit from 'p-limit'; import shuffle from 'array-shuffle'; import {Except} from 'type-fest'; import {QueuedSong, QueuedPlaylist} from '../services/player'; import {TYPES} from '../types'; import {cleanUrl} from '../utils/url'; import ThirdParty from './third-party'; import Config from './config'; type QueuedSongWithoutChannel = Except; @injectable() export default class { private readonly youtube: YouTube; private readonly youtubeKey: string; private readonly spotify: Spotify; constructor(@inject(TYPES.ThirdParty) thirdParty: ThirdParty, @inject(TYPES.Config) config: Config) { =; this.youtubeKey = config.YOUTUBE_API_KEY; this.spotify = thirdParty.spotify; } async youtubeVideoSearch(query: string): Promise { try { const {items: [video]} = await{q: query, maxResults: 1, type: 'video'}); return await this.youtubeVideo(; } catch (_: unknown) { return null; } } async youtubeVideo(url: string): Promise { try { const videoDetails = await; return { title: videoDetails.snippet.title, artist: videoDetails.snippet.channelTitle, length: toSeconds(parse(videoDetails.contentDetails.duration)), url:, playlist: null, isLive: videoDetails.snippet.liveBroadcastContent === 'live' }; } catch (_: unknown) { return null; } } async youtubePlaylist(listId: string): Promise { // YouTube playlist const playlist = await; interface VideoDetailsResponse { id: string; contentDetails: { videoId: string; duration: string; }; } const playlistVideos: YoutubePlaylistItem[] = []; const videoDetailsPromises: Array> = []; const videoDetails: VideoDetailsResponse[] = []; let nextToken: string | undefined; while (playlistVideos.length !== playlist.contentDetails.itemCount) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop const {items, nextPageToken} = await, {maxResults: '50', pageToken: nextToken}); nextToken = nextPageToken; playlistVideos.push(...items); // Start fetching extra details about videos videoDetailsPromises.push((async () => { // Unfortunately, package doesn't provide a method for this const {items: videoDetailItems}: {items: VideoDetailsResponse[]} = await got('', {searchParams: { part: 'contentDetails', id: => item.contentDetails.videoId).join(','), key: this.youtubeKey }}).json(); videoDetails.push(...videoDetailItems); })()); } await Promise.all(videoDetailsPromises); const queuedPlaylist = {title: playlist.snippet.title, source:}; const songsToReturn: QueuedSongWithoutChannel[] = []; for (let video of playlistVideos) { try { const length = toSeconds(parse(videoDetails.find((i: { id: string }) => === video.contentDetails.videoId)!.contentDetails.duration)); songsToReturn.push({ title: video.snippet.title, artist: video.snippet.channelTitle, length, url: video.contentDetails.videoId, playlist: queuedPlaylist, isLive: false }); } catch (_: unknown) { // Private and deleted videos are sometimes in playlists, duration of these is not returned and they should not be added to the queue. } } return songsToReturn; } async spotifySource(url: string): Promise<[QueuedSongWithoutChannel[], number, number]> { const parsed = spotifyURI.parse(url); let tracks: SpotifyApi.TrackObjectSimplified[] = []; let playlist: QueuedPlaylist | null = null; switch (parsed.type) { case 'album': { const uri = parsed as spotifyURI.Album; const [{body: album}, {body: {items}}] = await Promise.all([this.spotify.getAlbum(, this.spotify.getAlbumTracks(, {limit: 50})]); tracks.push(...items); playlist = {title:, source: album.href}; break; } case 'playlist': { const uri = parsed as spotifyURI.Playlist; let [{body: playlistResponse}, {body: tracksResponse}] = await Promise.all([this.spotify.getPlaylist(, this.spotify.getPlaylistTracks(, {limit: 50})]); playlist = {title:, source: playlistResponse.href}; tracks.push( => playlistItem.track)); while ( { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop ({body: tracksResponse} = await this.spotify.getPlaylistTracks(, { limit: parseInt(new URL('limit') ?? '50', 10), offset: parseInt(new URL('offset') ?? '0', 10) })); tracks.push( => playlistItem.track)); } break; } case 'track': { const uri = parsed as spotifyURI.Track; const {body} = await this.spotify.getTrack(; tracks.push(body); break; } case 'artist': { const uri = parsed as spotifyURI.Artist; const {body} = await this.spotify.getArtistTopTracks(, 'US'); tracks.push(...body.tracks); break; } default: { return [[], 0, 0]; } } // Get 50 random songs if many const originalNSongs = tracks.length; if (tracks.length > 50) { const shuffled = shuffle(tracks); tracks = shuffled.slice(0, 50); } // Limit concurrency so hopefully we don't get banned for searching const limit = pLimit(5); let songs = await Promise.all( track => limit(async () => this.spotifyToYouTube(track, playlist)))); let nSongsNotFound = 0; // Get rid of null values songs = songs.reduce((accum: QueuedSongWithoutChannel[], song) => { if (song) { accum.push(song); } else { nSongsNotFound++; } return accum; }, []); return [songs as QueuedSongWithoutChannel[], nSongsNotFound, originalNSongs]; } private async spotifyToYouTube(track: SpotifyApi.TrackObjectSimplified, _: QueuedPlaylist | null): Promise { try { const {items} = await{q: `"${}" "${track.artists[0].name}"`, maxResults: 10}); const videoResult = items[0]; if (!videoResult) { throw new Error('No video found for query.'); } return await this.youtubeVideo(; } catch (_: unknown) { return null; } } }