import {Client, Collection, User} from 'discord.js'; import {inject, injectable} from 'inversify'; import ora from 'ora'; import {TYPES} from './types.js'; import container from './inversify.config.js'; import Command from './commands/index.js'; import debug from './utils/debug.js'; import handleGuildCreate from './events/guild-create.js'; import handleVoiceStateUpdate from './events/voice-state-update.js'; import handleGuildUpdate from './events/guild-update.js'; import errorMsg from './utils/error-msg.js'; import {isUserInVoice} from './utils/channels.js'; import Config from './services/config.js'; import {generateDependencyReport} from '@discordjs/voice'; import {REST} from '@discordjs/rest'; import {Routes} from 'discord-api-types/v9'; import updatePermissionsForGuild from './utils/update-permissions-for-guild.js'; @injectable() export default class { private readonly client: Client; private readonly token: string; private readonly shouldRegisterCommandsOnBot: boolean; private readonly commandsByName!: Collection; private readonly commandsByButtonId!: Collection; constructor( @inject(TYPES.Client) client: Client, @inject(TYPES.Config) config: Config, ) { this.client = client; this.token = config.DISCORD_TOKEN; this.shouldRegisterCommandsOnBot = config.REGISTER_COMMANDS_ON_BOT; this.commandsByName = new Collection(); this.commandsByButtonId = new Collection(); } public async register(): Promise { // Load in commands for (const command of container.getAll(TYPES.Command)) { // Make sure we can serialize to JSON without errors try { command.slashCommand.toJSON(); } catch (error) { console.error(error); throw new Error(`Could not serialize /${ ?? ''} to JSON`); } if ( { this.commandsByName.set(, command); } if (command.handledButtonIds) { for (const buttonId of command.handledButtonIds) { this.commandsByButtonId.set(buttonId, command); } } } // Register event handlers this.client.on('interactionCreate', async interaction => { try { if (interaction.isCommand()) { const command = this.commandsByName.get(interaction.commandName); if (!command) { return; } if (!interaction.guild) { await interaction.reply(errorMsg('you can\'t use this bot in a DM')); return; } const requiresVC = command.requiresVC instanceof Function ? command.requiresVC(interaction) : command.requiresVC; if (requiresVC && interaction.member && !isUserInVoice(interaction.guild, interaction.member.user as User)) { await interaction.reply({content: errorMsg('gotta be in a voice channel'), ephemeral: true}); return; } if (command.execute) { await command.execute(interaction); } } else if (interaction.isButton()) { const command = this.commandsByButtonId.get(interaction.customId); if (!command) { return; } if (command.handleButtonInteraction) { await command.handleButtonInteraction(interaction); } } else if (interaction.isAutocomplete()) { const command = this.commandsByName.get(interaction.commandName); if (!command) { return; } if (command.handleAutocompleteInteraction) { await command.handleAutocompleteInteraction(interaction); } } } catch (error: unknown) { debug(error); // This can fail if the message was deleted, and we don't want to crash the whole bot try { if ((interaction.isApplicationCommand() || interaction.isButton()) && (interaction.replied || interaction.deferred)) { await interaction.editReply(errorMsg(error as Error)); } else if (interaction.isApplicationCommand() || interaction.isButton()) { await interaction.reply({content: errorMsg(error as Error), ephemeral: true}); } } catch {} } }); const spinner = ora('📡 connecting to Discord...').start(); this.client.once('ready', async () => { debug(generateDependencyReport()); // Update commands const rest = new REST({version: '9'}).setToken(this.token); if (this.shouldRegisterCommandsOnBot) { spinner.text = '📡 updating commands on bot...'; await rest.put( Routes.applicationCommands(this.client.user!.id), {body: => command.slashCommand.toJSON())}, ); } else { spinner.text = '📡 updating commands in all guilds...'; await Promise.all([ guild => { await rest.put( Routes.applicationGuildCommands(this.client.user!.id,, {body: => command.slashCommand.toJSON())}, ); }), // Remove commands registered on bot (if they exist) rest.put(Routes.applicationCommands(this.client.user!.id), {body: []}), ], ); } // Update permissions spinner.text = '📡 updating permissions...'; await Promise.all( guild => updatePermissionsForGuild(guild))); spinner.succeed(`Ready! Invite the bot with${this.client.user?.id ?? ''}&scope=bot%20applications.commands&permissions=36700288`); }); this.client.on('error', console.error); this.client.on('debug', debug); this.client.on('guildCreate', handleGuildCreate); this.client.on('voiceStateUpdate', handleVoiceStateUpdate); this.client.on('guildUpdate', handleGuildUpdate); await this.client.login(this.token); } }