# A modern Keycloak login theme keycloak-modern-login is a Keycloak login theme that's build using Tailwind CSS, Vue.js 3 and Typescript. It is easily extensible and bypasses the complexity of FreeMarker templates.
Screenshots ![](docs/login-form.jpg) ![](docs/select-authenticator.jpg) ![](docs/login-webauthn.jpg)
## State of this project I wrote this project mainly for my own Keycloak instance. Since I don't have much time for that, only the pages I see in daily use are currently customized. For all other pages, Keycloak's default theme is used instead. ## Building a deployable JAR file The project's development and building process are tested only on Linux. Node.js as well as Yarn must already be installed. ```bash # Install dependencies yarn install # Build a deployable JAR file yarn build ``` The final JAR (`theme.jar`) will be located inside the `dist` folder. ## Development To be able to test the theme live during development, a Keycloak Docker container is used. The `dist` folder is mounted directly into the container without building a JAR. The theme is not cached, and changes are directly visible. The compose file in the root directory starts a preconfigured Keycloak container. A realm named `test` is automatically imported, in which the theme is configured as the default login theme. The admin user in the `master` realm has `admin` as both its username and password. ```bash # Install dependencies yarn install # Run fist dev build to create the folder structure # Once Webpack has successfully compiled the project, you can cancel the process by pressing CTRL + C yarn dev # Start the development Keycloak instance docker compose up -d # Start Webpack in dev mode (which watches for changes and rebuilds the project automatically) yarn dev ``` For testing, the account console of the test realm can be used to get a login window: [http://localhost:8080/realms/test/account](http://localhost:8080/realms/test/account) ### Adding new pages If you want to add new pages, there are some things to be aware of. - Create a new subfolder for the page in the `views` folder. The name of the new folder must match the name of the FTL file in the [Keycloak base theme](https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/tree/main/themes/src/main/resources/theme/base/login). - Copy the three `index.*` files of an existing page into the new folder. The page name also needs to be adjusted in the `index.ftl` file within the attribute `pageId` as well as in the path for the script. - Add the new page in `webpack.config.js` in the upper part to the list `customPages`. ### Localization If the browser language is supported, it will be loaded automatically. Otherwise, English is loaded by default. To add new languages, the corresponding file must be added under `static/login/resources/locales`. Then the language must be added to `SUPPORT_LOCALES` in `functions/i18n.ts`.