#!/bin/bash set -eu # Get path of the script SCRIPT_PATH=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") # Check if a special command is issued and ignore the config check if thats the case if [ $1 != "config" ] && [ $1 != "help" ]; then if ! test -f "$SCRIPT_PATH/wg-config.json"; then echo "ERROR: wg-config.json is missing in script path. Please create a config file first." exit 1 fi # Get global config values CONFIG_FILE=$(cat $SCRIPT_PATH/wg-config.json) PRIVATE_KEY=$(echo "$CONFIG_FILE" | jq -r '.privateKey') OWN_IP4=$(echo "$CONFIG_FILE" | jq -r '.ownIPv4') OWN_IP6=$(echo "$CONFIG_FILE" | jq -r '.ownIPv6') OWN_IP6LL=$(echo "$CONFIG_FILE" | jq -r '.ownIPv6LinkLocal') PEER_CONFIG_FOLDER=$(echo "$CONFIG_FILE" | jq -r '.peerConfigPath') EXCLUDED_INTERFACES=($(echo "$CONFIG_FILE" | jq -r '.excludedInterfaces | .[]')) fi create() { echo "Creating interface for peer \"$1.wg.json\"..." # Check if config file for given peer exists if ! test -f "$PEER_CONFIG_FOLDER/$1.wg.json"; then echo "ERROR: Can't find config file for peer \"$1\" in path \"$PEER_CONFIG_FOLDER\"." exit 1 fi # Get peer config variables PEER_CONF=$(cat $PEER_CONFIG_FOLDER/$1.wg.json) PEER_PUB_KEY=$(echo "$PEER_CONF" | jq -r '.publicKey') PEER_LOCAL_PORT=$(echo "$PEER_CONF" | jq -r '.localPort') PEER_ENDPOINT=$(echo "$PEER_CONF" | jq -r '.endpoint') PEER_IP4=$(echo "$PEER_CONF" | jq -r '.peerIPv4') PEER_IP6=$(echo "$PEER_CONF" | jq -r '.peerIPv6') PEER_CUSTOM_IP6LL=$(echo "$PEER_CONF" | jq -r '.customLinkLocal') # Create interface ip link add dev "wg-$1" type wireguard # Configure wireguard echo "$PRIVATE_KEY" | wg set "wg-$1" \ $([ -n "${PEER_LOCAL_PORT+x}" ] && echo "listen-port $PEER_LOCAL_PORT") \ private-key /dev/stdin \ peer "$PEER_PUB_KEY" \ allowed-ips ",::/0" \ $([ -n "$PEER_ENDPOINT" ] && echo "endpoint $PEER_ENDPOINT") # Set interface up ip link set dev "wg-$1" up # Add own and peer ip4 addresses if [ -n "${OWN_IP4+x}" ]; then add_addr="ip addr add $OWN_IP4 dev wg-$1" if [ -n "${PEER_IP4}" ]; then add_addr="$add_addr peer $PEER_IP4" fi eval $add_addr fi # Set own ip6 address if [ -n "${OWN_IP6+x}" ]; then ip addr add "$OWN_IP6" dev "wg-$1" fi # Set peer specific ip6 link-local, otherwise default ip6 link-local if [ -n "${PEER_CUSTOM_IP6LL}" ]; then ip addr add "$PEER_CUSTOM_IP6LL" dev "wg-$1" else if [ -n "${OWN_IP6LL+x}" ]; then ip addr add "$OWN_IP6LL" dev "wg-$1" fi fi #Set own ip6 if [ -n "$OWN_IP6" ]; then ip route add "$OWN_IP6" dev "wg-$1" fi # Deny forwarding for excluded interfaces for interface in "${EXCLUDED_INTERFACES[@]}" do ip6tables -A FORWARD -i "wg-$1" -o "$interface" -j DROP ip6tables -A FORWARD -i "$interface" -o "wg-$1" -j DROP iptables -A FORWARD -i "wg-$1" -o "$interface" -j DROP iptables -A FORWARD -i "$interface" -o "wg-$1" -j DROP done } # Remove interface if existent remove() { if ip link | grep -q "wg-$1"; then ip link del "wg-$1" echo "Interface wg-$1 removed." else echo "ERROR: Interface \"wg-$1\" could't be removed, because it doesn't exist." exit 1 fi } # Call create() for every peer in the configured folder createall() { echo "Creating interfaces for peers in path \"$PEER_CONFIG_FOLDER\"." for peer in $(ls $PEER_CONFIG_FOLDER | egrep -i '.*\.wg\.json' ); do peer=$(echo "$peer" | sed 's/.wg.json//g') create $peer done } # Call remove() for every interface that starts with wg-* removeall() { echo "Removing all active interfaces..." for peer in $(ip link | egrep -o "wg-[^:]*"); do peer=$(echo "$peer" | sed 's/wg-//') remove $peer done } # Create an empty config file in the script path config() { echo "{ \"privateKey\": \"\", \"ownIPv4\": \"\", \"ownIPv6\": \"\", \"ownIPv6LinkLocal\": \"\", \"peerConfigPath\": \"\", \"excludedInterfaces\": [ \"\" ] }" | jq '.' > $SCRIPT_PATH/wg-config.json } # Create an example peer config at the specified location template() { echo "{ \"publicKey\": \"\", \"localPort\": 1234, \"endpoint\": \"example.com:1234\", \"peerIPv4\": \"\", \"peerIPv6\": \"fe80::1\", \"customLinkLocal\": \"\" }" | jq '.' > $1 } ACTION=$1 case $ACTION in up) if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then echo "ERROR: Please specify a peer name." exit 1 else create $2 fi ;; down) if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then echo "ERROR: Please specify a peer name." exit 1 else remove $2 fi ;; restart) if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then echo "ERROR: Please specify a peer name." exit 1 else remove $2 create $2 fi ;; allup) createall ;; alldown) removeall ;; config) config ;; template) if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then echo "ERROR: Please specify a path for the new template." exit 1 else template $2 fi ;; help) echo "Usage: ./wireguard.sh (parameters)" echo "Available actions:" echo " up Create new wireguard interface for a given peer." echo " down Remove wireguard interface for a given peer." echo " restart Recreate the wireguard interface for a given peer." echo " allup Create interfaces for all peers in configured folder." echo " alldown Remove all active wireguard interfaces." echo " config Create an empty config file in the script path." echo " template Create an empty peer config template." ;; *) echo "Invalid action \"$ACTION\"."' Use "./wireguard.sh help" to get help.' exit 1 esac