baseURL: languageCode: en-us title: bluemedia.dn42 theme: vanilla-bootstrap-hugo-theme taxonomies: tag: tags permalinks: post: /:filename/ # See # The value of pre is the icon name menu: nav: - name: Home pre: home url: / weight: 1 - name: Peering pre: minimize-2 url: /peering/ weight: 2 - name: IPAM pre: book-open url: /ipam/ weight: 3 - name: Looking Glass pre: aperture url: /lg/ weight: 4 - name: Changelog pre: zap url: /changelog/ weight: 5 hidden: - name: Tags url: /tags/ weight: 1 params: includeBootstrapJs: false showActiveNav: true containerMaxWidth: 750px dateFormat: Jan 2, 2006 homeText: Welcome to the Vanilla theme demo. Have a look around. Maybe even eat some ice cream. footerText: Built with [Hugo]( & [Vanilla]( hideFooter: false katex: true markup: defaultMarkdownHandler: goldmark goldmark: extensions: definitionList: true footnote: true linkify: true strikethrough: true table: true taskList: true typographer: true parser: attribute: true autoHeadingID: true renderer: hardWraps: false unsafe: true xHTML: false highlight: codeFences: true hl_Lines: "" lineNoStart: 1 lineNos: false lineNumbersInTable: true noClasses: true style: monokai tabWidth: 4 tableOfContents: endLevel: 6 startLevel: 2