import os, logging from datetime import datetime, timedelta from typing import Optional from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import Session from models import Guild, Channel, Base import discord from discord import app_commands, Game from discord.app_commands import Choice from discord.ext import tasks logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) handler = logging.StreamHandler() dt_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' formatter = logging.Formatter('[{asctime}] [{levelname:<8}] {name}: {message}', dt_fmt, style='{') handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(handler) sqla_engine = create_engine(f'sqlite:///{os.getenv("DB_PATH", "bot.db")}') Base.metadata.create_all(sqla_engine) # Yield successive n-sized # chunks from l. def divide_chunks(l, n): # looping till length l for i in range(0, len(l), n): yield l[i:i + n] async def purge_messages(channel, audit_message: str, before: datetime, after: datetime): messages = [message async for message in channel.history(before=before, after=after)] filtered_messages = [m for m in messages if m.pinned == False] message_chunks = divide_chunks(filtered_messages, 100) for chunk in message_chunks: await channel.delete_messages(chunk, reason=audit_message) class BotClient(discord.Client): def __init__(self, *, intents: discord.Intents): super().__init__(intents=intents) self.tree = app_commands.CommandTree(self) async def setup_hook(self): await self.tree.sync() self.background_task.start() @tasks.loop(minutes=15) async def background_task(self): with Session(sqla_engine) as session: persisted_channels = session.query(Channel).order_by(Channel.last_pruned.desc()).limit(5).all() for persisted_channel in persisted_channels: channel = self.get_channel(persisted_channel.channel_id)"Cleaning channel {persisted_channel.channel_id} in guild {persisted_channel.guild_id} ({})") now = before = now - timedelta(hours=persisted_channel.retention_hours) after = now - timedelta(days=14) await purge_messages(channel=channel, audit_message='Configured retention period expired.', before=before, after=after) persisted_channel.last_pruned=now session.commit() @background_task.before_loop async def before_my_task(self): await self.wait_until_ready() intents = discord.Intents.default() client = BotClient(intents=intents) @client.event async def on_guild_join(guild): with Session(sqla_engine) as session: new_guild = Guild( session.add(new_guild) session.commit() @client.event async def on_guild_remove(guild): with Session(sqla_engine) as session: removed_guild = session.get(Guild, if removed_guild == None: return session.delete(removed_guild) session.commit() @client.event async def on_guild_channel_delete(channel): with Session(sqla_engine) as session: removed_channel = session.get(Channel, if removed_channel == None: return session.delete(removed_channel) session.commit() @client.tree.command() @app_commands.guild_only() @app_commands.describe( action='Action to perform', retention_period='Use thogether with the "set" action to define a retention period in days', ) @app_commands.choices(action=[ Choice(name='get', value=1), Choice(name='set', value=2), Choice(name='disable', value=3), ]) async def retention(interaction: discord.Interaction, action: Choice[int], retention_period: Optional[int] = None): """Manage retention settings for a channel.""" match action.value: case 1: with Session(sqla_engine) as session: persisted_channel = session.get(Channel, interaction.channel_id) if persisted_channel == None: await interaction.response.send_message(content='ℹ️ There is currently no retention period set for this channel.', delete_after=20) return await interaction.response.send_message(content=f'ℹ️ Messages in this channel will currently be deleted after `{persisted_channel.retention_hours / 24}` days.', delete_after=20) case 2: if retention_period == None: await interaction.response.send_message(content='❌ Error: You need to specify a `retention_period` when using the `set` action', delete_after=20) return if retention_period > 13: await interaction.response.send_message(content='❌ Error: Due to technical limitations, 13 days is the maximum after which I can still delete messages. Please use `13` or less as the retention period.', delete_after=20) return with Session(sqla_engine) as session: channel = session.get(Channel, interaction.channel_id) if channel == None: channel = Channel(channel_id=interaction.channel_id, guild_id=interaction.guild_id, retention_hours=(retention_period * 24), last_pruned=datetime.min) session.add(channel) else: channel.retention_hours = retention_period * 24 session.commit() await interaction.response.send_message(content=f'✅ Messages in this channel will be automatically deleted after `{retention_period}` days.', delete_after=20) case 3: with Session(sqla_engine) as session: channel = session.get(Channel, interaction.channel_id) if channel != None: session.delete(channel) session.commit() await interaction.response.send_message(content='✅ Messages in this channel will no loger be automatically deleted.', delete_after=20) @client.tree.command() @app_commands.guild_only() @app_commands.describe( days='Delete messages of the last x days' ) async def purge(interaction: discord.Interaction, days: int): """Clear messages of the last x days in the current channel.""" if days > 13: await interaction.response.send_message(content='❌ Error: Due to technical limitations, 13 days is the maximum after which I can still delete messages. Please use `13` days or less.', delete_after=20) return await purge_messages(, audit_message=f'Deleted via /purge command from user {}',, after=( - timedelta(days=days))) await interaction.response.send_message(content='✅ Messages deleted.', delete_after=20) client.activity = Game(name="with the broomstick")"BOT_TOKEN"), log_handler=None)