#!/bin/bash set -eu background() { swaybg \ {% for monitor in hostvars[ansible_hostname]['monitors'] %} -o "{{ monitor['desc'] }}" -i ~/.config/background/{{ monitor['background']['file'] }} -m {{ monitor['background']['mode'] }} {%- if not loop.last %} \{% endif %} {% endfor %} } idle() { swayidle -w \ timeout 180 '~/.local/bin/hyprhelpr lock' \ timeout 240 'hyprctl dispatch dpms off' \ resume 'hyprctl dispatch dpms on' } lock() { if pgrep -x "swaylock" >/dev/null then echo "A instance of swaylock is already running." exit 1 else swaylock -f -e -s fill --indicator-radius 150 \ {% for monitor in hostvars[ansible_hostname]['monitors'] %} -i {{ monitor['output'] }}:~/.config/background/lock-{{ monitor['background']['file'] }} {%- if not loop.last %} \{% endif %} {% endfor %} fi } shutdown() { sudo systemctl poweroff } reboot() { sudo systemctl reboot } powermenu() { PM_ACTION=$(printf "Shutdown\nReboot\nLock\nLogoff" | wofi --show=dmenu -i --width 200 --height 150) if [ -n "$PM_ACTION" ]; then case $PM_ACTION in Shutdown) shutdown ;; Reboot) reboot ;; Lock) lock ;; Logoff) hyprctl dispatch exit ;; esac fi } screenshot() { ACTION=$(printf "Area\nWindow\nScreen" | wofi --show=dmenu -i --width 200 --height 150) if [ -n "$ACTION" ]; then case $ACTION in Area) grim -g "$(slurp)" - | swappy -f - ;; Window) grim -g "$(hyprctl clients -j | jq -r ".[] | select(.workspace.id | IN(["$(hyprctl monitors -j | jq '.[].activeWorkspace.id' | xargs | sed -e 's/ /,/g')"][]))" | jq -r ".at,.size" | jq -s "add" | jq '_nwise(4)' | jq -r '"\(.[0]),\(.[1]) \(.[2])x\(.[3])"' | slurp)" - | swappy -f - ;; Screen) grim -g "$(slurp -o)" - | swappy -f - ;; esac fi } ACTION=$1 case $ACTION in background) background ;; idle) idle ;; lock) lock ;; shutdown) shutdown ;; reboot) reboot ;; powermenu) powermenu ;; screenshot) screenshot ;; help | -h | --help) echo "Usage: hyprhelpr [parameters]" echo "Available actions:" echo " background Start swaybg with the configured backgrounds." echo " idle Start swayidle with the configured actions." echo " lock Lock the current session using swaylock." echo " shutdown Shut down the system." echo " reboot Reboot the system." echo " powermenu Show wofi in dmenu mode with different power options" echo " screenshot Show wofi in dmenu mode with different screenshot options" echo " help Show this help text." ;; *) echo "Invalid action \"$ACTION\"."' Use "hyprhelpr help" to get help.' exit 1 esac